Songs And Awards

My Songs

Sis Izzy On The Beat Man Album


This song is dedicated to my late father Leroy Thomas, as well as, all the father’s out there. Don’t wait until it’s too late to tell your father how much you love him. Show them while there still on Earth. I’m grateful my father knew how much we loved him before he left us.

Can’t Trouble Me

When the enemy comes in like a flood, just tell them “Can’t Trouble Me” Satan.

Touch not mine Anointed and do my Prophets no harm.

HEALING: An EP from Sis Izzy Thomas

Credits to the Riddims & Beats used on all tracks.

Dennis Gee out of Belize

Tap P. Beats out of Florida

Rujay & Luxray Beats out of the Netherlands

DJ Righteous out of UK

Zion Track Records out of Malawi

All tracks on my EP & Album were recorded at Supreme Studio in Florida